Friday, July 16, 2010

Windsor Legion Meet

Hey bloggers whats up? The meet in Windsor was quite the experience. I arrived a few hours early to have a chance to relax and sit around before I warm up. (Thats kinda my thing. I hate to rush a warm-up, and I feel its good to have a chance to chill in the meet enviornment before you start to warm-up.) When they finally opened up the registration booth I found myself climbing up several flights of steps to the pressbox only to be found missing from the meet entries list. I had to wait another 20 or so minutes until the meet director showed up to add my name to the list as a pre-registered athlete (less $ for me to pay). Then I finished stretching, drilling, and went over about 6 hurdles real easy.

I felt good going into the race and my body had no complaints as I was concerned so I was looking for a good race. As they were finishing up the sprint race just before they set the hurdles up a heavy overcast came in. It was already pretty windy when I showed up to the track but since the meet had begun the wind only got worse from there. The race just prior to mine read a wind reading of 4.4 which is PSYCHO!! That is probably the worst wind I've ever encountered in my days running track. Unfortunately for 400, or 1-lap runners, we get the head and tailwind to challenge us throughout the race.

With apacolypse in the air and my race about to start the show must go on. I was really looking to have a good race in Canada, but there is only so much you can do as an athlete before outside circumstances come your way. Weather is one of the most difficult. In races like this you know that times will be off from the norm so you just go for the win, and thats just what I did.

I started out in lane 6, due to another technicality wherein I was not located on the hurdle start list. They just stuck me in the outside of my four competitors; I love it! From that point on I never looked back and didn't see anyone else until the race was over; start to finish I controlled the race. Im sure I could have started off a bit faster, but my race was very solid for the first 7 hurdles. I was on with my natural leg (most comfortable lead leg and trail leg) for six hurdles, then switched very well at seven. I came around to hurdle 8 and hesitated for a split second and shortened my last step just a bit causing my velocity to drop. I got over hurdle 9 and came powering towards the final barrier only to see the clock passing the time I wanted to be coming off of that last one. Clearing the last hurdle, I had an akward landing on my trail leg which also took some more time off the clock before I was able to sprint it in for first place.

Was the time world leading, a PR or even a Seasons best? NO. But was the race solid and tactful, I would say for the most part. My race pattern is getting stronger and stronger so I can't complain. Would I have liked to have put together a better and faster race? Sure! I think any athlete can say that after whatever they run. I thank God that the rain held off until my race was over and that I came out of there healthy and without injury. That is always something to shout about; its never fun watching from the sidelines knowing what you can do, so Im greatful for the healthy finish. The rest of the weekend entails hanging out with my close friend Adrean and seeing family. I will enjoy the life I have outside of track. So until next time bloggers. This is the life of...a trackstar.

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