Friday, October 30, 2009


Yes, Im talking about practice. Unlike Ivo, I actually like going to practice and challenging my body and mind every day, but it has definitely been just that. We started on this past Wednesday and boy did we hit the ground running. Being my first year as a professional athlete Im very excited, but thought I was unsure about what I should be doing versus not and if I am overdoing it at times? Coach Mitchell told me today that usually if a person says they needs some guidance in an area that person knows (generally) what things will hinder him in that area and shouldn't be doing it and what things are beneficial, they are just waiting for someone else to say it. I feel like that statement is true; I know my body, what things it rejects, what things help me, when to give attention to aches or not, what I need to do to stay healthy, etc.

After practices you can find any one of us sprawled our on the mat under awning sweated out and sore. It was funny because we talked about how each day when you wake up is a mystery because you don't know if you will be able to get out of bed or will have to settle for a roll off the side. I have to check before I step out of be if there are any areas that are more sore than others to brace myself. Kellie said she had that good ol' okiedok where she took a nap and felt pretty good that day but THE NEXT MORNING she had the old man arthritis syndrome getting up, lmbo! It definitely reminds you of how hard you are working each day.

Coach went around poking at each one of us while we persevered to help motivate us. He always holds a reminder of our dream dangling in front of us so that we don't forget. Those days when we forget our goals and dreams he won't, and makes you pull through. I will be strong enough each day to work my own motto: Push through the pain now so you won't have to later.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Almost Here!

A lot has been happening lately. On Friday we had our first team outing at the Special Olympics Fundraising event in Orlando. We had a great time, and had a chance to get to know most everyone on the team. As the new guy, some guys on the team feel I have to prove myself, but thats none of my concern now. I never seem to have a problem in that area. Besides, I know Im in shape; at least enough shape to begin practice with the right tempo. Aside from that, I like the team and feel like this is definitely a good look.

On Monday and Wednesday I decided to go to the track and get in some workouts there. A few of us have been heading up to the track on a regular basis to get in some work. Monday we did loops around the track's fence (2 sets of 2) then 6 hills on Wed. Coach came to the track late Monday. He had a chance to see me going at the loops and was pretty pleased with my conditioning level. To add or enhance my approach to training I decided to get a track journal, which I'll write all of my workouts, aches, pains, and times down so I can better evaluate my work and body. Im feeling good and my endurance is showing up to be quite promising.

The Practice is almost here! I cant help but be nervous and a little anxious to get out to practice the first day. Most of the team is over 25, and have been doing this for some time. Im hoping that I dont get 'dragged' on these workouts. One of my good friends, Lauren, said I'll be straight and have nothing to worry about. I have been known to be in great shape for the early conditioning parts of the season, so I feel I should be alright at least for the first couple months; its the sprinting where I will need to catch up, literally (lol).

So practice is steadily creaping up, and we're beginning the awkward new guy/girl phase. Everything should be ok though. Thought I should mention that tomorrow is MY BIRTHDAY and Im excited to see how it goes!! One of the girls on the team asked if I wanted to do something, but being the new kid on the block Im not sure what all Orlando has to offer. Hopefully we can all get together and do SOMETHING! Someone give me some ideas, what should I do in Orlando for my birthday this weekend?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Training Update

Alright, So Im finally starting to get things together here and settle in to a regular thing. I just found out that I will not begin official practice until Oct. 28th. I've kinda been waiting for this day to come and was upset to hear it was pushed back so much. This gives me more time to finalize prep and conditioning. One of my college friends said "You know that now you can't complain about practice when it gets here". Which is true. I've been so focused on starting that I had begun to neglect quality workouts. I figure that the push back is a good thing, and now I can really work these last two weeks and do it right.

I think one big reason for the practice excitement is that good feeling you get when working with a close-knit team. I miss that, and I started to get a little complacent in its absence. Good thing I caught that before I was throwing my guts up on the side of the track that first day. Anyways, so things are back on track and Im ready to conquer this year with full dedication on and off the track.

P.S. By the Grace of God I was able to secure a job down here, and I start on Thursday. It will be good to start doing something on a consistent basis to occupy my idle time during the days. Its been more than a month of self-training, no job, and no studying...Ahh! Doing nothing is more difficult than I thought.