Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Outside the comfort zone

Im consistently making strides towards the future, daily. I have just started my third phase of training which is more of the sprint endurance cycles that I will need to help sustain speed and form in the latter part of my race. I am doing my own separate workouts instead of the same workouts as everyone else with the addition of more sets. My workouts haven't been outrageously difficult though, which means that we are building in the right direction easing into the changes. We have been moving to a lot of pace work while still maintaining my form and correct running mechanics. This is good so I will know what certain times feel like, so as we make the pace faster I will be able to stay on target and know where I am.

We also started hurdling as of yesterday. We didn't do much, but enough to get reacquainted with the motions of hurdling. We did a few drills then went over the top of some 39's. We did them pretty easy and were getting our muscle memory back into hurdle-shape. Some of the guys were surprised that my form was so astounding, but I don't know why. Its not like Im crap, I mean I did compete for 8 years on a national level besting a #3 spot in high school, and cracking the top 50 year in and out of college. But I digress, I still have a lot to work on as far as form, and Im here to learn.

When I was in high school I was killing people on the track left and right and thought my stuff was at least decent. That is until I got to college and noticed that my form was a bit off, to say the least, and we worked on fixing it. After that I had been competitive in much of my races and even nationally, but never made it to the big dance. Now as a professional, Im realizing that at each level things need to changed, and my whole running mechanics is now on the verge of revamp to better fit my race and the type of runner I am.

Instead of running as fast as you can until your dead then finishing with heart, Im learning that you have to run smart and efficient. That means using each step to transfer as much force to the ground as you have allowing you to propel down the track with much less effort. One problem...I need some power, lol. As you can imagine this is not an easy task, and at times if very uncomfortable. Im used to conserving energy by running a certain way when I need to use more energy to conserve more (if that makes sense?).I think the weight room is going to be XTRA key in my development this year. We are doing good exercises that is more sport specific to the areas of our body that will help us with our running mechanics. It seems so simple, but to put everything together properly is a challenge in itself. I was looking at some of the athletes and only when I looked across the track did I realize that the angles we work on, the opening of our "gate" (distance from one foot to the other while running), and really concentrating on squeezing the abs and REALLY driving the arms is what so many pro runners make look easy towards July and August. That doesn't come easy and I am going to have to focus on those key things for my race so by the time the season rolls around Im not going backwards trying to tune up my running mechanics.

Track is a constant mental challenge that forces your body to do what your mind wants. You have to keep the good techniques, throw the bad out, and add on the new material you learn in order for everything to come into play just right, and when you need it most. Those of you who know me and have seen me run in the past may see a totally different DK on the track come spring. Patience in progression and results will be key through this process also. You can't have the world tomorrow or you wouldn't appreciate up from the street, city, state, and country so you know what it takes to get there.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

On the Track

This week marks the beginning of our actual routine that we will get into and work out up through the start of indoor season. On Mondays we usually run something crazy then lift upper body; Tuesday is still crazy, but faster then lower body lift; Wed is LEG DAY which sounds about as bad as it is; Thursday is back to a faster paced workout which hurts soo much due to the prior 3 then upper body lift; and finally Friday we do a more technical day and a lower body lift. All of that is piled on top of standing up at the job after practice at least 4-5 times a week from anywhere between 6-9 hours. Talk about a tough schedule...the only thing I can't figure out is that whenever I have to work Im soo tired and want to just take a nap and rest. It doesn't matter what day I happen to work, but when Im not working and I feel like I should try to catch up on sleep, Im not tired and end up going somewhere or running errands the rest of the day. I've gotta get this thing straightened out man, lmbo!

Besides a tough 3 days of the week already we ended up having our 1st team meeting about team problems. Thankfully Im getting along with everyone and have not been such an issue to coach, but some others...hmmm. lets just say that a few of the team members happen to coincidentally have some urgent emergency on the same day every week, thus missing out on one of the more challenging workout days. Everyone has noticed prior today, but Coach Mitchell had enough of it and decided to speak on the matter and the consequences. I personally have always been a VERY hard working athlete and person on a general basis. I like to put my heart in the things that I do so that my choices/job/speech/etc exudes excellence (Part of HU charge to Alumni also) so that I can get out a greater benefit. I really get upset at people (even those who are naturals at something) who just don't try, or give up too easily. It drives me crazy sometimes that people want and want and want, but will not bother to put in the time it takes to actually get. I feel like if you will not do something with your whole mind and body then you may as well do something else because you 1)wont get the results you really want, 2)could be doing something else you are willing to put the effort into, 3) save a lot of others from wasting time trying to encourage, help, and motivate you to succeed. I always say that if you are going to do something you may as well do it to the best of your ability, whole-heartedly, so that you can be happy and thank God for what you've accomplished; anything less is just wasting time. It really isn't worth the mediocre or complacent struggle to get only half-way in a thing. Either get your priorities together, or collect your sorry efforts together and move on! SO, we'll see what happens.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Things = New Pain

Firstly, I wanted to apologize for the messaging hiatus. Things have been moving pretty fast and the past few weeks were hectic. I have been doing alot: from doing work on my car, to hanging out with cousin in MIAMI!! to watching my brother's DII basketball tournament at Disney, and practicing and working all in between. Practice is starting to heat up; we are now in our 2nd phase of training and are beginning to do workouts on the track. This week is easily the hardest week we have had thus far. We have been doing a lot of volume which tires the body. I have to do more than the rest of the team since I'm the only 400 runner we! Those last few runs have really been taking it to me and fatigue sets in real fast when everyone else is finished. Just know when your workout starts with 16x...? just know that its not going to be a fun workout day.

We also started lifting this week, only 2 days to shock the body into weight shape, then next week we are taking it to the wall with the regular 4 days lifting. It was pretty intense on Monday, and it was almost chaotic. Our lift exercises are in circuits and it seemed like everyone was moving at their own pace, jumping in and out of turn, trying to get it done first. There was limited help with the specific technique details which is something I would probably prefer so that the lifts are done correctly. After 2 days my arms and shoulders are STILL xtra sore. More pain to come tomorrow...but Im going to work through the pain now so I dont have to later.