Monday, November 15, 2010


Hey bloggers, I bet you've been wondering what I've been up to huh? Training of course! lol. Yes, we have been training for several weeks now and we just started our 5th week today. I can't believe that we are already 5 weeks into the season! I feel like we just started a week ago, well at least in my mind. My body would tell you that I've been running for near 2 months, lol. Our load and training work is challenging on our bodies at times, so we have to make sure we set aside time to get "worked on" as we call it. You know, I was talking to one of my co-workers at my part-time job and had mentioned that I had a chiro (Chiropractic) appointment that day. It was funny because he asked me why do YOU need a chiropractor with your young and in shape, vibrant (ok let me stop) self. Hahaha. I told him "naw, I mean I need it, but its not what you're thinking, its just maintenance". He looked at me funny and said you say that like ur a car or something. I thought that was funny, but partly true too. We athletes put a lot into our bodies to get a lot out of our bodies. We take care of our pains and aches by getting worked on by chiro's, physio's, therapists, etc. So in a way we could view our bodies as a car analogy and think of it as trying to get premium mileage with minimal wear and tear on the vessel. :)

Coach had hinted that pretty soon we would be heading back to the track and starting to run on it instead of around it. I just didn't know that today would be that day. All in all track workouts are usually more difficult because you have a level surface that gives feedback to your pounding footsteps and you usually don't have to worry about pot holes like you do in the grass. Here in FL we're blessed to train at a facility that doesn't have any track pot holes. With the surface, though, coach expects a lot more out of you and your body does too; its our office! I wish I could tell you that I got on the track for the first time this season for a workout and was pretty cool and did the workout on pace, but I can't. Truth is when we get to our office I can't do anything, BUT get excited, so needless to say the first 450 I did in today's workout was WAY too fast. I felt so good, my legs were light, the sun was warm on my skin, and there was only a very slight wind. I almost got lost and coach told us to slow it down a few times, hehehe.

So we're back on the track running and I hear that tomorrow we get to start some technical work...which means hurdles! I hope that between todays workout and tonight's rest I will be able to calm down enough not to get all stupid on the hurdles. With something as serious as technique, I have to slow it back and focus on the movements and angles. Besides, it just makes it so much easier when we bring all those great practices into competition. I mentioned above about getting worked on. I have a feeling that when I say this many civilians or normie's don't really know what it is, so I'll plan to have a post on it coming soon, maybe even tomorrow. Don't be alarmed by those nicknames, some characters in the track world have some funny names for those who don't train professionally, but it's not derogative, shoot I know plenty of track athletes that would love to not have to worry about what they're eating, how much sleep they get, and how many thousands of miles they have to travel just to force their bodies to adjust to the time and then perform a physical symphony on the track. Truth is, we wouldn't mind being in your shoes, but this is the path we chose, and you chose yours. :) More to come! This is...the life of a professional athlete!