Wednesday, November 11, 2009

New Things = New Pain

Firstly, I wanted to apologize for the messaging hiatus. Things have been moving pretty fast and the past few weeks were hectic. I have been doing alot: from doing work on my car, to hanging out with cousin in MIAMI!! to watching my brother's DII basketball tournament at Disney, and practicing and working all in between. Practice is starting to heat up; we are now in our 2nd phase of training and are beginning to do workouts on the track. This week is easily the hardest week we have had thus far. We have been doing a lot of volume which tires the body. I have to do more than the rest of the team since I'm the only 400 runner we! Those last few runs have really been taking it to me and fatigue sets in real fast when everyone else is finished. Just know when your workout starts with 16x...? just know that its not going to be a fun workout day.

We also started lifting this week, only 2 days to shock the body into weight shape, then next week we are taking it to the wall with the regular 4 days lifting. It was pretty intense on Monday, and it was almost chaotic. Our lift exercises are in circuits and it seemed like everyone was moving at their own pace, jumping in and out of turn, trying to get it done first. There was limited help with the specific technique details which is something I would probably prefer so that the lifts are done correctly. After 2 days my arms and shoulders are STILL xtra sore. More pain to come tomorrow...but Im going to work through the pain now so I dont have to later.