Monday, December 13, 2010

Practice Update

Hey bloggers! As I mentioned in the last post, practices have been pretty tough the past month or so. Not to say that I have been doing bad, quite the contrary, but recovery after them is of definite importance. Today I'm not working so I get to catch up on some of my writing. :) yeay!

Starting back in mid November I've was back to struggling with the strenuous track workouts of a 400m hurdler. The workouts are very long, build lactic acid quickly, and require a lot of heart to say the least. Since then though I've made ground breaking progress towards handling them much better. The past two weeks especially have been great and have caused me to learn more about mentally preparing for tough practices.

I've learned these great techniques in a few different places including church, my coach, my teammates and others around me, and my business too. I've learned that when you have to do something difficult it doesn't help to worry yourself about it especially if you HAVE to do it (like really challenging practices). Worrying about it and trying to avoid it isn't going to help me when my coach says "Ready, GO!" Its not something that will change so I have realized that I might as well put in all my effort to do the workouts and earn the benefit from them rather than being scared and happenstancedly (don't try to look that word up, haha) get some type of benefit from it.

It doesn't help to worry or fear for things that are inevitable. Most of the issues I had with my training last year were due to a lack of confidence in my own ability to physically do what was being asked of me. I am now believing that I can do the workouts coach has for me and that he wouldn't give me something just to watch me struggle and fail. He genuinely wants me to get better. Besides, he also reaps a benefit from me doing well when I get that sponsorship or prize money. That being said, I realized that he wants me to get better, EVEN THOUGH he doesn't always say it or express it in the smallest manner, lol. The first thing to do is accept the fact that yes, this will be tough. Secondly, you have to adjust your attitude toward your task and cast out any thoughts of doubt or fear regarding it. You have to think positive and be stronger even though you're hurting, sore, in pain, or whatever the case may be. The last thing to do is enjoy the challenge or with respect to religion thank God for the moment.

Training has been tough, but Im getting more out of it and I've allowed or forced my body to react positively to the pain and challenge of finishing workouts. Personally, I feel like I've made a huge leap toward my dreams and I will continue to keep this attitude and mindset. There are no limits. This is the life of...a champion!!

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