Monday, December 13, 2010

Importance of Care The Reward Thereof

Hey bloggers hope all is well and your Thanksgiving was filled with great food, good fellowship, and a lot of realizing how blessed you are. Thank You GOD! I know this post is much overdue, but please bear with me. Practice has been really working my body out and I've been completely exhausted the past few weeks straight. It doesn't help that now we have had several days where we can't get much work in on the track due to frigid temps (FL frigid, lol). Anyways, this post ties in with the last one, so I'll give you all a practice update after this post.

We last left off talking about the importance of actually getting your body worked on for everyday people and for athletes alike. Hopefully you enjoyed that one. This post is primarily going to be about the chiropractic care, and my awesome opportunity that I was able to take advantage.

Maybe you've heard good or bad things about chiropractors, but I'll give you a bit more information about my experiences with chiropractors that will hopefully give you insight to make a better informed decision about your own care. The first thing you need to know about chiropractors is that there are a few different types of care. There are everyday chiropractors that adjust your body and you continue to come back, then there are corrective care practitioners. I have experienced both, and they are similar, but there is a stark difference between them.

Regular chiropractors have the knowledge to relieve pressure in your joints, nerves, and align your bones if they are out of place, but the disconnect I've experienced is that they don't teach you about what is happening to your body. Maybe you don't care if the teach you anything, but I feel if Im paying my hard earned money to someone to "fix" an issues I have with my body I want to know why I need it, how it will help, length of time I should expect, and so forth. I have to be in the KNOW, you heard me! Not only to they just allow you to walk through their offices day in and out without explaining what is going on with your body, why it is or isn't helping, etc., but they don't make attempts to permenantly correct the issue either. I don't believe that if you start going to a chiropractor you will become dependent on them. If you go to the right ones you can get the care you need and train your body to correct itself.

My corrective care chiropractor has educated me on the main area of focus for a healthier body and ultimately, life. That thing is the spinal cord, which I'll talk about next. I get my hips, spine, and neck adjusted each week and do the exercises that have been helping to strengthen my bones and muscles around those bones in order to hold position after adjustments. What I get done each week (down from 3 times a wk) is an adjustment for my hips, which are out of alignment by less than 5 degrees. This actually used to cause a lot of tension in my low back and would often affect my hamstrings while running, and since I've started my care I haven't had nearly as much strain in those areas. Imagine running around a track with one leg a little longer than the other ok? lol. It takes it's toll after a while.

The next thing I get taken care of is my spinal cord. Every person has a spine and it is like a hollowed shell that protects your spinal cord. This cord is THE ONE thing, aside from your heart that keeps you living long and strong. It sends all the signals from the brain to the rest of your body including limbs and organs. Imagine what would happen if one of those nerves was pinched because your spine was out of alignment. Maybe this issue occurred in your lower back where the nerve that controls you kidney is housed. The bone on that particular nervewould be clamping on your nerve like a rubberband wrapped tightly around your finger. After a while you finger goes numb and it starts to turn colors due to lack of circulation right? The same thing happens with our nerves. That pinched nerve tries to tell the kidney to clean out the blood system when you eat some bad food, but since you aren't getting 100% power trhough that nerve the signal is blocked and the kidney doesn't get all the instructions. This can cause kidney failure or more damage in your body since it is unable to do its job.

That scenario could go for any of your other organs including the heart. I hope that you can see the importance of having your spine adjusted regularly. I would highly recommend you at least go check out a corrective care chiropractor and get the interim x-rays to find out the facts on your body. From there you can decide what to do.

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